Research Themes
This research theme examines Russian practices in relation to weapons systems with automated and automated features. These include operational practices of design, development, and deployment, but also extend to a wider range, including Russia’s evolving stances as delivered in the context of the GGE on LAWS. This is complemented by an analysis of practices performed by civilian developers of AI applications (in relationship with military actors) and how cultural-specific, often fictional representations of weaponised AI and robotics shape public discourse. Practices performed across these different societal contexts in Russia are considered as potentially productive of norms.
Articles on Russia

‘Traditional Values’: The Russian Leadership’s Narrative about Generative AI
In February 2024, Vladimir Putin approved a new version of Russia’s national artificial intelligence (AI) development strategy, initially adopted in October 2019. One of the updates included is a list of challenges to Russia’s AI development, which mention “the decision to restrict access to AI technologies, caused by unfair competition

AI and Drones in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Challenging the Expectations?
By Ingvild Bode and Anna Nadibaidze Military applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and their impacts on warfare have received much attention over the past years. Russia has been portrayed as a central actor in these debates, not least since President Vladimir Putin declared that whoever leads in the field of

AI and Robots in Soviet and Russian Popular Culture
In this article, Anna Nadibaidze explores the artificial intelligence narratives in Soviet and Russian popular culture.

Russia’s Perspective on Human Control and Autonomous Weapons: Is the Official Discourse Changing?
For many years, Russia’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) has been developing and testing different weapons, vehicles and systems using Artificial Intelligence (AI). This has been with the goal of modernising the Russian Armed Forces by gradually removing humans from military tasks. The Russian leadership, both political and military, has a

An international research project examining weaponised artificial intelligence, norms, and order
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